Halloween Approaches…
Overnight, our broadcast will be transformed with all manner of terrifying tales, spooky stories, and some seasonally appropriate tunes.
We’ll be keeping the screams going until the sun rises on November 1st (and probably a few extra hours after that!).
Stay tuned for more updates!
Including some spooky editions of regularly scheduled local programs.
And some special broadcasts from other programmers!
October 31st
Midnight: Some tunes to get you in the mood
12:30: War of the Worlds (with Orson Welles!)
1:30: Music Block 2
2:00: The first half of Kafka’s Metamorphosis (as read by our Station Manager)
3:00 am: Haunted Canadian short stories (pre-recorded by UNB students)
3:30–10:00am: An over-night mix of music and stories will tide you over until the ghosts at the station start to haunt the equipment once more.
10:00 am: Ska Party
11:00 am: Announcement from our Master of Scare-emonies // The Open Mic
12:00: The Radical Fabulatorium (Interview with Obscurity Shop!)
1:00-1:30pm: Student Stories
1:30: Small Biz SJ
2:00: Student Voice Radio
3:00-3:30: W.I.N.G.S: Which Witch?
3:30-6:00: The Radical Fabulatorium Halloween Special
6:00: Retro Bob’s Classical Show
7:00: Scary-O Mike’s Bravery, Repetition & Noise (With co-host Satan!)
8:00-10:00: Pointless Filler Annual Halloween Special
10-midnight: Gothic Horror Show (Live for Halloween!)
Midnight: War of the Worlds
Brandon Logan
October 30th, 2023
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